4-center STO interelectron repulsion integrals with Coulomb Sturmians

James Emil Avery, John Scales Avery

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articleResearchpeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)


Abstract We present a method for evaluating 4-center electron repulsion integrals (ERI) for Slater-type orbitals by way of expansions in terms of Coulomb Sturmians. The ERIs can then be evaluated using our previously published methods for rapid evaluation of Coulomb Sturmians through hyperspherical harmonics. Numerical investigations are made of the efficiency in 1- and 2-center cases where the exact integrals can be evaluated.
Original languageEnglish
Book seriesAdvances in Quantum Chemistry
Pages (from-to)133-146
Number of pages14
Publication statusPublished - 2018

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