A Link between Education, Research and Entrepreneurship

Michael Rene Kristiansson, Henrik Jochumsen, Peter Josef Wick, Carsten Nico Portefee Hjortsø

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearchpeer-review

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One major challenge in entrepreneurship education in a non-business school university context is the lack of relation to the teacher’s own research field. Teaching is typically conducted by teachers whose research activities are connected to another subject area than entrepreneurship. Consequently, researchers may experience teaching entrepreneurship as a ‘timewaster’ despite the fact that they like to teach in the field; teaching and research don´t match. It is difficult to get teachers involved wholeheartedly, if it is not appreciated by the University. Although the universities have articulated entrepreneurship as both relevant and useful; the transformation towards a more entrepreneurial education is not supported by incentives, neither at the institutional or individual level – in contrast to research and publication (see e.g. West III, Gatewood & Shaver, 2009). On this basis we will explore the following questions: • How do we achieve a constructive and creative interaction between education, research and entrepreneurship? • In what contexts it is possible to integrate the three areas? • What specific organizational and didactic modalities can be used to support integration? • What benefits can be achieved through this realization?
Original languageEnglish
Publication date11 May 2017
Number of pages3
Publication statusPublished - 11 May 2017
Event3E Conference - ECSB Entrepreneurship Education Conference - University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom
Duration: 11 May 201613 May 2016
Conference number: 4


Conference3E Conference - ECSB Entrepreneurship Education Conference
LocationUniversity of Leeds
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address

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