Presenting the Prenatal Caregiving Experiences Questionnaire: a measure of caregiving representations among mothers and fathers to be

Katrine Røhder, Christopher Høier Trier, Jessica Brennan, Emilie Nayberg, Jenna Marie Lundy, Maja Nyström-Hansen, Kirstine Agnete Davidsen, Judi Walsh, Carol George, Susanne Harder

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearchpeer-review


The caregiving system was originally described by Bowlby and has been conceptually developed by George and Solomon (1989; 1996; 2008). It is “the other half” of the social bond between parent and child and is described as a behavioural system in its own right that is reciprocally linked to the child´s attachment system. The Prenatal Caregiving Experiences Questionnaire (PCEQ) (Brennan, George, & Solomon, 2013) is the first questionnaire that directly assesses prenatal caregiving representation. This poster presentation brings together different researchers who use the instrument in ongoing longitudinal research projects. The poster includes a description of the development of the PCEQ questionnaire, the theoretical background, as well as preliminary data on future mothers and fathers from the WARM study.
Translated title of the contribution– a measure of caregiving representations among mothers and fathers to be
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2015
Publication statusPublished - 2015
Event7th International Attachment Conference 2015 - New School, New York, United States
Duration: 6 Aug 20158 Aug 2015
Conference number: 7


Conference7th International Attachment Conference 2015
LocationNew School
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityNew York

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