A porcine model for pathomorphological age assessment of surgically excised skin wounds

Kristiane Barington*, Kristine Dich-Jørgensen, Henrik Elvang Jensen

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A porcine model of second intention wound healing was established and gross and histological changes needed for accurate assessing the age of wounds were determined. Twenty-five pigs were anesthetized before incision of four wounds on each. The wounds were left to heal from 1 h to 35 days when the pigs were euthanized. In 14 pigs, biopsies were sampled from two wounds between days 2 and 18. By histological evaluation the following characteristics were found useful for determining the age of wounds: neutrophil:macrophage ratio, angiogenesis, hyperplasia of fibroblasts, presence of hemosiderophages and granulation tissue. The latter was present from day 4 (n = 8 wounds, 100%), but by gross evaluation it was not recognized until day 5 (n = 4 wounds, 100%). From day 4 to 10, the thickness of granulation tissue increased by 1.2 ± 2.4 mm/day. The thickness of collagen fibers within granulation tissue increased throughout the study period, and complete epithelization was reached from day 18.

Original languageEnglish
Article number33
JournalActa Veterinaria Scandinavica
Issue number1
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • Age of wounds
  • Experimental animal model
  • Pig
  • Skin
  • Ulceration
  • Veterinary forensic pathology

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