A Poststructuralist View on Student’s Project Groups: Possibilities and Limitations

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The aim of this paper is to demonstrate how poststructuralism and social constructionism can contribute to the empirical research on groups in problem-based learning (PBL). The paper outlines the analytical complexity and shows, through empirical examples, the potentials and limitations of this perspective as an alternative to traditional group psychology. While the potentials of poststructuralism and social constructionism as an analytical complex seem to be the endeavor for relentless critique, the limitations are the ‘empty subject’ and the avoidance of any kind of normativity that leave no guidance for practice. Though both limitations raise serious problems for the practitioner, I intend to argue that the potentials of the analytical perspective are far more important than the challenges when it comes to social psychological research in groups in PBL
Original languageEnglish
JournalPsychology Learning and Teaching
Issue number2
Pages (from-to)168-179
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Group work
  • poststructuralism
  • project studies
  • social constructionism
  • university education

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