A simple method for validation and verification of pipettes mounted on automated liquid handlers

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 We have implemented a simple method for validation and verification of the performance of pipettes mounted on automated liquid handlers as necessary for laboratories accredited under ISO 17025. An 8-step serial dilution of Orange G was prepared in quadruplicates in a flat bottom 96-well microtiter plate (BD Falcon) manually by means of calibrated pipettes. Each pipette of the liquid handler (1 up to 8) dispensed a selected volume (1 to 200µl) of Orange G 8 times into the wells of the microtiter plate. All wells contained a total of 200µL liquid. The optical density (OD) was read at 490 nm, and the dispensed volume of each pipette was calculated based on a plot of volume and OD of a known set of Orange G dilutions. Finally, the percent inaccuracy (%d) and the imprecision (%CV) of each pipette was calculated. Using pre-defined acceptance criteria, each pipette was then either approved or failed. Failed pipettes were either repaired or the volume deviation was compensated for by applying a calibration curve in the liquid handler software. We have implemented the method on a Sias Xantus, an MWGt TheONYX, three Tecan Freedom EVO, a Biomek NX Span-8 and four Biomek 3000 robots, and the scripts are freely available. In conclusion, we have set up a simple solution for the continuous validation of automated liquid handlers used for accredited work. The method is cheap, simple and easy to use for aqueous solutions but requires a spectrophotometer that can read microtiter plates.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2009
Publication statusPublished - 2009
EventLabAutomation2009 - Palm Springs 2009, United States
Duration: 25 Jan 200928 Jan 2009


Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityPalm Springs 2009


  • Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

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