Affective Architecture. Film as a Sensory Transference Tool and an Intimacy Projection Environment

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearch

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    This paper elucidates how film may offer itself as a tool for both the representation and conception of space that can strengthen an alternative, phenomenological and transcendental position in architecture. The paper underscores that the film camera can work as a kind of amplifier of how we, with our bodies, perceive space and project space. Through an analysis of two films, it points to the medium of film as both a tool and an environment, based on Gernot Böhme’s ‘Raum leiblicher Anwesenheit (Böhme 2006). These films illustrate how the film’s picture frame becomes almost like a skin and through its surface and sound projects both a site and a near-sensual experience simultaneously. The medium of film as both tool and an environment thereby supports an extended sensory-intimate reflection on outer experiences and inner sensations that – in its audio-visual and time-space-based presentation – is close to a human experience. This transference and performance may lead to an extended awareness of touch, as the base for intensive projections of becoming and a new affective architecture.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationCongress proceeding
    EditorsNicolas Rémy, Nicolas Tixier
    Number of pages6
    Place of PublicationInternational Ambiances Network & University of Thessaly
    Publication date2016
    ISBN (Print)978-2-9520948-6-3
    Publication statusPublished - 2016
    Event3rd International Congress on Ambiances, Department of Architecture, University of Thessaly6 - Department of Architecture, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece
    Duration: 21 Sep 201624 Sep 2016


    Conference3rd International Congress on Ambiances, Department of Architecture, University of Thessaly6
    LocationDepartment of Architecture, University of Thessaly
    Internet address


    • Former LIFE faculty
    • Atmosphere
    • Film
    • Intimacy
    • affect
    • Environment
    • architectural design

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