An R package to calculate potential environmental and human health risks from pesticide applications using the ‘Pesticide Load’ indicator applied in Denmark

Niklas Möhring*, Per Kudsk, Lise Nistrup Jørgensen, Jens Erik Ørum, Robert Finger

*Corresponding author for this work

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9 Citations (Scopus)
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This paper presents and discusses the “PesticideLoadIndicator” package, a new R-package to compute potential environmental and health effects of pesticide applications using the Danish ‘Pesticide Load’ indicator. The implementation in the R Statistical Language makes it easy for researchers, practitioners and institutions to compare potential pesticide risks for a wide range of applications and compute risk indicators at field-, crop-, farm-, regional- or national level. The tool is publicly available. It provides a possibility for the direct integration of pesticide properties needed for indicator computation (ecotoxicity, environmental fate and human health), from the Pesticide Properties Database or other sources and allows users to change default reference values and weights.

Original languageEnglish
Article number106498
JournalComputers and Electronics in Agriculture
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2021

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021


  • Computation
  • Indicator
  • Pesticide
  • R-package
  • Risks

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