Assessment of Innovation Competency: A Thematic Analysis of Upper Secondary School Teachers’ Talk

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The author employed a 3-step qualitative research design with multiple instances of source validation to capture expert teachers’ (n = 28) reflections on which manifest signs they would look for when they asses students’ innovation competency. The author reports on the thematic analysis of the recorded talk in interaction that occurred in teacher group discussion sessions at 5 upper secondary schools. Based on the analysis, it was possible to extrapolate assessment criteria for 5 subcompetencies relevant to innovation (creative competency, collaboration competency, navigation competency, action competency, and communication competency) as well as assessment criteria for a number of skills relevant to these subcompetencies. These assessment criteria, it is argued, largely resonate with existing literature and they provide a detailed glimpse into how assessment of innovation competency could be concretized within the framework of the existing disciplines.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Educational Research
Issue number4
Pages (from-to)318-330
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • Faculty of Science

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