Auditory-Perceptual Evaluation of Dysphonia: A Comparison Between Narrow and Broad Terminology Systems

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Objective. In auditory-perceptual voice analysis, a multiparameter approach and a more reductionist approach may be compared with narrow and broad phonetic transcription and used interchangeably, depending on the purpose. The aim of this study was to investigate the perspectives of a translation of the terminology used in the multiparameter Danish Dysphonia Assessment (DDA) approach into the five-parameter GRBAS system.
Methods. Voice samples illustrating type and grade of the voice qualities included in DDA were rated by five speech language pathologists using the GRBAS system with the aim of estimating inter- and intrarater reliability. The same samples were then rated using the DDA terminology.
Results. Both inter- and intrarater reliability were found to be very high for the GRBAS parameters grade, rough, and breathy, but somewhat lower for asthenic and strained. Further, strong and clear associations were found between the DDA and GRBAS rating for grade, rough, breathy, and strained, whereas the relation between DDA ratings and asthenic was weaker and less clear.
Conclusion. The data strongly support that the DDA system can be translated into the GRBAS system for auditoryperceptual voice analysis. The consensus discussion prior to the listening test is believed to have contributed to the high degree of inter- and intrarater reliability.We suggest for future use of the GRBAS system that rater reliability for asthenic and strained can increase, if these parameters are defined as behavioral terms and antagonists, reflecting muscular hypo- and hyperfunction.
Key Words: Auditory-perceptual voice analysis–Dysphonia–GRBAS–Listening test–Voice ratings.
Translated title of the contributionAudiv-perceptuel stemmeanalyse: En sammenligning af fin og grov terminologi
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Voice
Issue number4
Pages (from-to)428-436
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 17 Jul 2017

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