Benefits of interrelationships between climate change mitigation and adaptation: a case study of replanting mangrove forests in Cambodia

Lea Ravnkilde Møller, Jette Bredahl Jacobsen

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The paper demonstrates welfare benefits of climate change mitigation and adaptation as a joint response to climate changes using the theory of multiple-use forestry or joint production by Vincent and Binkley (1993). The production of two products is considered: product 1: climate change mitigation and product 2: climate change adaptation. The production possibilities frontier (PPF)
summarises the production benefits of the two products. The case study of the paper is the replanting of mangrove forests in the coastal wetland areas of Peam Krasaob Wildlife Sanctuary in Cambodia. The benefits of climate change mitigation will be estimated on the basis of the amount of carbon sequestrated in the replanted area. The benefits of climate change adaptation are the replanted area’s
ability to protect the local community from storms and sea level rise, including the co-benefits of enhanced productivity of economic activities in the area: tourism and fisheries. The theory used to calculate the adaptation benefits is the Expected Damage Function (EDF) (Barbier 2007). Here the benefit is the difference between the expected damage costs and the total amount of expected damage
costs avoided. The estimated benefits of climate change mitigation and adaptation are tested under different climate change scenarios, seeing as the impact and frequency of storms can have a significant effect on coastal wetland areas and the replanting of the mangrove forests and therefore also on the joint
benefits of climate change mitigation and adaptation. The paper concludes that there are benefits in climate change mitigation and adaptation; hence, no extra investment needs to be initiated to identify such benefits.
Original languageEnglish
JournalScandinavian Forest Economics
Pages (from-to)191
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2014
Event Biennial Meeting of the Scandinavian Society of Forest Economics - Uppsala, Sweden
Duration: 21 May 201424 May 2014


Conference Biennial Meeting of the Scandinavian Society of Forest Economics

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