Bird species richness in the montane evergreen forests of the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania

Flemming P. Jensen, Lars Dinesen, Louis A. Hansen, David C. Moyer, Elia A. Mulungu

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Species richness and relative abundance of montane forest birds in the Udzungwa Mountains are presented for the 11 forests larger than 1 km2. A high positive correlation between the number of montane bird species and the size of the forest is found with the highest species richness recorded in the largest forest. A few small (< 5 km2) forest fragments also support a high richness of forest birds. Their isolation from larger forest tracts is probably relatively recent (within the last 100-200 years) and their high bird species numbers may be partly due to delayed extirpations. Twenty-three restricted range montane forest species were recorded, and many of these were widespread in the Udzungwas. The largest populations of White-winged Apalis Apalis chariessa, Dapple-throat Arcanator orostruthus, Iringa Akalat Sheppardia lowei and Usambara Weaver Ploceus nicolli are most likely in Udzungwa forests.

Original languageEnglish
JournalScopus: Journal of East African Ornithology
Issue number2
Pages (from-to)39-49
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Abundance
  • Distribution
  • Extinction debt
  • Montane forest birds
  • Tanzania
  • Udzungwa mountains

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