c-VFT: Computerized visual field test

Valdemar H.B. Uhre (Producer), Maria Nordfang (Producer), Randi Starrfelt (Producer)

Research output: Non-textual formComputer programmeResearchpeer-review

272 Downloads (Pure)


This programme accompanies the paper: Nordfang et al. (2019) A free and simple computerized screening test for visual field defects. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. DOI: 10.1111/sjop.12546

1. Download the .zip-file to your computer and unzip the file. There is a readme file in the folder with these instructions.

2. Download "StandalonePsychoPy" version 1.90.2 following the appropriate link below (note that compatability issues are likely to occur for alternative versions, so do use the specified version).
- Windows: https://github.com/psychopy/psychopy/releases/download/1.90.2/StandalonePsychoPy2-1.90.2-win32.exe
- Mac: https://github.com/psychopy/psychopy/releases/download/1.90.2/StandalonePsychoPy2-1.90.2-MacOS.dmg

3. Install psychopy on your computer by opening the downloaded file (win version for windows and OS-X for mac)

4. Open psychopy and click "open" in the Coder window (not the Builder window)

5. Find the "VFT.py" file and open it

6. Press on green "running man" icon in the Coder window to run the test.

Original languageEnglish
Publication date2019
Media of outputOnline
Publication statusPublished - 2019

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