Calcium bioaccessibility increased during gastrointestinal digestion of α-lactalbumin and β-lactoglobulin

Jing Wang, Kataneh Aalaei, Leif Horsfelt Skibsted, Lilia Ahrné*

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Calcium bioaccessibility depends on the amount of soluble calcium under intestinal digestion. The changes in calcium during in vitro static digestion of α-lactalbumin and β-lactoglobulin in presence of calcium chloride (0 mM, 20 mM and 50 mM) were followed by combining electrochemical determination of free calcium with the determination of soluble calcium by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy. α-Lactalbumin and, more evident, β-lactoglobulin were found to increase calcium bioaccessibility with increasing intestinal digestion time by around 5% and 10%, respectively, due to the complex binding of calcium to peptides formed from protein hydrolysis by gastrointestinal enzymes. In vitro digested samples of β-lactoglobulin in presence of CaCl2 had nearly twice as much complex bound calcium as α-lactalbumin samples. The calcium bioaccessibility decreased significantly with the increasing concentration of added calcium chloride, although the amount of calcium chloride had little effect on the extension of digestion of α-lactalbumin and β-lactoglobulin. Simulated digestion fluids were found to have a negative effect on calcium bioaccessibility, especially the presence of hydrogen phosphate, and the amount of precipitated calcium increased significantly with increasing amount of added calcium chloride. Based on analysis and visualization by sequences of the peptides formed during digestion of α-lactalbumin and β-lactoglobulin, it was observed that peptides containing aspartic acid and glutamic acid acting as calcium chelators, may prevent precipitation of calcium in the intestines and increase calcium bioaccessibility. These results provide knowledge for the design of new dairy based functional foods to prevent calcium deficiency.
Original languageEnglish
Article number112415
JournalFood Research International
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 2023

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