Can extended reality in the metaverse revolutionise health communication?

Adéla Plechatá, Guido Makransky, Robert Böhm*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleCommunication

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In the metaverse, users will actively engage with 3D content using extended reality (XR). Such XR platforms can stimulate a
revolution in health communication, moving from information-based to experience-based content. We outline three major
application domains and describe how the XR affordances (presence, agency and embodiment) can improve healthy behaviour by
targeting the users’ threat and coping appraisal. We discuss how health communication via XR can help to address long-standing
health challenges.
Original languageEnglish
Article number132
Journalnpj Digital Medicine
Publication statusPublished - 2 Sep 2022

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