Circular Economy in landscape architecture

Jakob Sandell Sørensen, Jan Støvring, Martin Hedevang, Torben Møbjerg

Research output: Book/ReportBook

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The Association of Danish Landscape Architects (DL) has a proud
tradition of addressing socially relevant issues and influencing
the development of our cities and landscapes. Today, the climate
crisis is a burning issue, and the search for new solutions and
methods for reducing our negative impact on climate is becoming
increasingly urgent.
This makes it a particular pleasure for us to present an updated
version of this publication – CIRCULAR ECONOMY IN LANDSCAPE
ARCHITECTURE – that features more specific guidelines, additional
sample projects and an English translation. The purpose remains
the same, namely to inspire more landscape architects, colleagues
and project partners to incorporate circular economy into their
projects. It is clear to everyone that the circular economy is here
to stay, and the present publication clearly demonstrates that as
landscape architects, we are well prepared to act on this agenda.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationKøbenhavn
PublisherDanske Landskabsarkitekter
Number of pages22
Publication statusPublished - 2022

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