Coastal protection technologies in a Danish context

Maria Faragò, Eva Sara Rasmussen, Ole Fryd, Emilie Rønde Nielsen, Karsten Arnbjerg-Nielsen

Research output: Book/ReportReport

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Recent storm surge events along with the discussions on climate change and sea level rise make coastal protection a pertinent issue in Denmark. The purpose of this report is to analyse past and present coastal protection strategies in Denmark and use this as a baseline for a critical reflection on current practice and possible ways forward. The report is divided into three main parts. First, the study provides a state of the art on coastal protection technologies in Denmark and internationally. Second, we propose a framework for working with coastal protection. Third, four selected case studies are analysed in detail (i.e. Køge Bugt Strandpark, Nordkystens Fremtid, Vejle, and Gyldensteen Strand) using a multi-criteria assessment framework. The key findings include the prevalence of hard structural protection technologies such as sluice gates and dikes (24 of 32 reviewed projects in Denmark); the need to analyse and frame coastal regions with a view to the level of economic, social and technical complexity and capacity; and the need to go beyond coastal protection as a technical discipline and strive for holistic solutions with an emphasis on innovation and the collaborative and explorative process of planning, designing and implementing coastal protection measures in a sustainable manner. This report aims to spark a discussion on coastal development and highlights some of the key challenges and tasks that need to be addressed in the years to come to achieve the best possible outcome.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLyngby
Number of pages90
Publication statusPublished - 2018

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