Comprehensive blueprint of Salmonella genomic plasticity identifies hotspots for pathogenicity genes

Simran Krishnakant Kushwaha, Yi Wu, Hugo Leonardo Avila, Abhirath Anand, Thomas Sicheritz-Pontén, Andrew Millard, Sandhya Amol Marathe, Franklin L. Nobrega*

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AUUnd:ePrsletaansedcinongfitrhmethdaytnaallmheicadeivnoglluevtieolnsaorferSeaplrmesoennetelldacoisrrveitcatllyf:or effective bacterial infection management. This study explores the role of the flexible genome, organised in regions of genomic plasticity (RGP), in shaping the pathogenicity of Salmonella lineages. Through comprehensive genomic analysis of 12,244 Salmonella spp. genomes covering 2 species, 6 subspecies, and 46 serovars, we uncover distinct integration patterns of pathogenicityrelated gene clusters into RGP, challenging traditional views of gene distribution. These RGP exhibit distinct preferences for specific genomic spots, and the presence or absence of such spots across Salmonella lineages profoundly shapes strain pathogenicity. RGP preferences are guided by conserved flanking genes surrounding integration spots, implicating their involvement in regulatory networks and functional synergies with integrated gene clusters. Additionally, we emphasise the multifaceted contributions of plasmids and prophages to the pathogenicity of diverse Salmonella lineages. Overall, this study provides a comprehensive blueprint of the pathogenicity potential of Salmonella. This unique insight identifies genomic spots in nonpathogenic lineages that hold the potential for harbouring pathogenicity genes, providing a foundation for predicting future adaptations and developing targeted strategies against emerging human pathogenic strains.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere3002746
JournalPLOS Biology
Issue number8
Number of pages24
Publication statusPublished - 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 Krishnakant Kushwaha et al.

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