Computed Tomography and Computed Radiography of late Bronze Age Cremation Urns from Denmark: An interdisciplinary attempt to develop methods applied in Bioarchaeological cremation research

Lise Lock Harvig, Niels Lynnerup, Jannie Amsgaard Ebsen

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To improve methods used to study prehistoric cremation rituals, cremation urns from the Danish late Bronze Age were examined using Computed Tomography and Computed Radiography (Digital X-ray). During microexcavation, the digital images were used as registration tool. Our results suggest that osteological ageing and sexing are more accurate when combining CT-images with excavated remains. Digital volume rendering further enables a compromised estimation of original cremation weight. Microexcavation is clearly a primary cause of bone fragmentation. Cremated remains affected by lower cremation intensity show markedly poorer preservation and recovery than white calcined fragments do. Thus post-excavation estimations of cremation intensity are systematically biased
Original languageEnglish
Issue number2
Pages (from-to)369-387
Number of pages19
Publication statusPublished - 2012

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