Consumer perception of original and modernised traditional foods of Indonesia

Dwi Larasatie Nur Fibri, Michael Bom Frøst

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40 Citations (Scopus)


Technological development in traditional foods is not always in line with consumer acceptability. This study aimed to determine consumer perception of selected Indonesian traditional food products in their original and modernised versions. An internet-based survey (N=310) was distributed to validate the perception of Indonesian food products using pictures and descriptions. The participated respondents met these criteria: (1) they were familiar with the traditional foods in this survey; and (2) they recognized and had used modernised traditional foods in this survey at least once. Seventeen products (tempe usar, tempe ragi, hygienic tempe, homemade sambal, sambal in a jar, sambal sprinkles, fresh coconut milk, UHT coconut milk, coconut milk powder, gudeg kendil, gudeg besek, boxed gudeg, canned gudeg, ground seasoning, instant seasoning paste, dadih, and yoghurt), were described to gauge consumer perception of the following variables: Modern, Traditional, Original, Authentic, Natural and Hedonic response. Partial Least Square Regression was performed to generate an overview of the product and variable variation. The results showed that the variable Modern was inversely correlated with the remaining variables, including the Hedonic response. The UHT coconut milk, coconut milk powder, instant seasoning paste, canned gudeg, sambal in a jar, sambal sprinkles, yoghurt, and hygienic tempe were perceived as the most Modern. In contrast, products that were perceived as Traditional were more pre- ferred, including homemade sambal, ground seasoning, gudeg kendil, gudeg besek, tempe usar, and fresh coconut milk. This study shows the effect of modernisation on consumer perception and how it correlates to overall liking. Consumers' background psychographics such as the Food Neophobia Scale and attitude towards tradi- tional food (ATTF) questionnaire have a significant effect on product perceptions, especially to the variables Hedonic, Modern, Authentic and Original.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)61-69
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 2019

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