Correlation studies of fission-fragment neutron multiplicities

M. Albertsson, B. G. Carlsson, T. Dossing, P. Moller, J. Randrup, S. Aberg*

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We calculate neutron multiplicities from fission fragments with specified mass numbers for events having a specified total fragment kinetic energy. The shape evolution from the initial compound nucleus to the scission configurations is obtained with the METROPOLIS walk method on the five-dimensional potential-energy landscape, calculated with the macroscopic-microscopic method for the three-quadratic-surface shape family. Shape-dependent microscopic level densities are used to guide the random walk, to partition the intrinsic excitation energy between the two proto-fragments at scission, and to determine the number of neutrons evaporated from the fragments. The contribution to the total excitation energy of the resulting fragments from statistical excitation and shape distortion at scission is studied. Good agreement is obtained with available experimental data on neutron multiplicities in correlation with fission fragments from 235 U(n(th), f). With increasing neutron energy a superlong fission mode grows increasingly prominent, which affects the dependence of the observables on the total fragment kinetic energy.

Original languageEnglish
Article number014609
JournalPhysical Review C
Issue number1
Number of pages13
Publication statusPublished - 19 Jan 2021

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