CSPBuilder - CSP based Scientific Workflow Modelling

Rune Møllegaard Friborg, Brian Vinter

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


This paper introduces a framework for building CSP based applications,
targeted for clusters and next generation CPU designs. CPUs are produced with several
cores today and every future CPU generation will feature increasingly more cores,
resulting in a requirement for concurrency that has not previously been called for.
The framework is CSP presented as a scienti¿c work¿ow model, specialized for
scienti¿c computing applications. The purpose of the framework is to enable scientists
to exploit large parallel computation resources, which has previously been hard due of
the dif¿culty of concurrent programming using threads and locks.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCommunicating Process Architectures 2008 : WoTUG-31, Proceedings of the 31st WoTUG Technical Meeting, 7-10 September, 2008, University of York, UK
EditorsPeter W. Welch, Susan Stepney, Fiona A. C. Polack, Frederick R. M. Barnes, Alistair A. McEwan, Gardiner S. Stiles, Jan F. Broenink, Adam T. Sampson
Number of pages17
PublisherIOS Press
Publication date2008
ISBN (Print)978-1-58603-907-3
Publication statusPublished - 2008
EventCommunicating Process Architectures Conference - York, United Kingdom
Duration: 7 Sep 200810 Sep 2008
Conference number: 31


ConferenceCommunicating Process Architectures Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
SeriesConcurrent Systems Engineering

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