Design and validation of pictograms and educational video clips to improve the knowledge of skin care and protection: Comprehension and recall among professional hospital cleaners

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Insufficient knowledge about protection and care of the skin among Danish hospital cleaners, particularly immigrant cleaners, is guessed to be a widespread issue that can increase the likelihood of them developing occupational hand eczema (OHE). This study aimed to design and validate 10 pictograms and 10 short video clips showing recommendations for skin care that would help prevent OHE among professional cleaners.

Ten pictograms and 10 short, educational video clips, based on standard, recommended information were developed in collaboration with a medical illustrator and a video director. The materials were validated in a two-step process that included bus drivers (primary validation) and professional cleaners (secondary validation).

During the primary validation, 5 of the 10 pictograms (50%) were comprehended correctly by at least 85%. Those that were misinterpreted, were modified and retested several times until they were understood correctly by at least 85%. During the secondary validation, all 10 pictograms achieved acceptable levels of comprehension among professional cleaners. All the video clips were comprehended correctly by both bus drivers and cleaners.

Ten easy-to-understand pictograms and 10 educational video clips for cleaners about the prevention of OHE have been designed and validated.
Original languageEnglish
Book seriesContact Dermatitis
Issue number4
Pages (from-to)250-258
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 2023

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