Dilemmas of energy efficient urban development in three Nordic cities

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearch

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    Energy is high on the agenda of the European Union and in current urban development. In this study we focus on the role of urban planning in energy efficiency in 3 Northern European cities - Turku (FI), Eskilstuna (SE) and Tartu (EE). The case studies were developed in close collaboration between the authors and representatives of the cities. The research was carried out by field trips, interviews and analysis of local reports and planning documents. This work was done in the framework of the EU-FP7 project PLEEC (Planning for energy efficient cities), GA no. 314704, www.pleecproject.eu
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date2014
    Number of pages1
    Publication statusPublished - 2014
    EventIARU Sustainability Science Congress: Global Challenges: Achieving Sustainability - Copenhagen, Denmark
    Duration: 22 Oct 201424 Oct 2014


    ConferenceIARU Sustainability Science Congress

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