Disciplinary knowledge production and interdisciplinary humanities

David Budtz Pedersen, Frederik Stjernfelt, Claus Emmeche

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review


The chapter offers an introduction to this volume on frontier research in the humanities. It frames recent discussions on research governance, public value of research, and the heterogeneous nature of the humanities within the overall context of international research policy and initiatives to include the social sciences and humanities research in interdisciplinary collaboration. In European research and innovation initiatives, science, technology and innovation can no longer be seen in isolation from wider cultural, societal and ethical aspects. For instance, the shift to a green sustainable economy needs to include combined efforts in developing new technologies and at the same time creating new models of democracy, engagement, and sustainable behaviour, which draw on a range of interdisciplinary competences. Special challenges such as the role reserved for humanities and how to integrate epistemic cultures are identified. However, actual interdisciplinary collaboration often starts bottom-up, with researchers self-organizing to find collaborators outside their own speciality.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMapping Frontier research in the Humanities
EditorsClaus Emmeche, David Budtz Pedersen, Frederik Stjernfelt
Number of pages14
Place of PublicationLondon & New York
PublisherBloomsbury Academic
Publication date12 Dec 2016
ISBN (Print)978-1-4725-9768-7
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-4725-9769-4
Publication statusPublished - 12 Dec 2016


  • Faculty of Humanities

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