Discrepancy between information reported by the victims of sexual assaults and clinical forensic findings

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INTRODUCTION: From the clinical forensic examination reports made at the Department of Forensic Medicine, the University of Copenhagen, in 2007 concerning rape, attempted rape and sexual assault (RAS), information about the assault, including both violence and the perpetrator's line of sexual action was extracted, analysed and compared to the observed lesions (LE).

MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 184 girls and women were included in this retrospective study.

RESULTS: 75.5% of the victims were under 30 years of age. Observed LE: 79% had observed LE. 41% had body LE only, 19% genito-anal LE only, and 40% had both body and genito-anal LE. Half of the victims, who reported no exposure to violence, had body LE. Five victims also had LE of a self-inflicted character. Genito-anal LE: 47% had genito-anal LE, 64% of whom had one or two, commonest a tear. Body LE: 64% had body LE. 57% was caused by slight, blunt force. Information on line of sexual action was present in 148 cases. A total of 123 victims reported penetration: 94% vaginal, 16% anal and 20% oral. Three were exposed to anal penetration only. Eleven perpetrators used a condom. 50% of the cases with vaginal and/or anal penetration had genito-anal LE. Victims with both vaginal and anal penetration and victims who reported more than one perpetrator did not show more genito-anal LE. Anal penetration or attempted anal penetration has increased to 21% of cases.

CONCLUSION: Young victims are exposed to RAS. Half of them have genito-anal LE, typically one. Anal penetration or attempted anal penetration is increasing. This will often cause genito-anal LE. This finding stresses the importance that these examinations take place where both forensic and health-care expertise are offered.

FUNDING: not relevant.


Original languageEnglish
Article numberA4899
JournalDanish Medical Journal
Issue number9
Pages (from-to)1-5
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - Sep 2014


  • Adolescent
  • Adult
  • Crime Victims
  • Denmark
  • Female
  • Forensic Medicine
  • Humans
  • Physical Examination
  • Rape
  • Retrospective Studies
  • Self Report
  • Wounds and Injuries
  • Young Adult

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