Distributed Perception: Co-Operation between Sense-Able, Actionable, and Accountable Semiotic Agents

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Perception is not just a cognitive, private experience, but achieved in and through interactive and practical actions in co-operation with other semiotic agents. This article contributes to work on multisensory perception that is distributed as an interactional phenomenon between agents. Based on video-ethnographic research conducted among visually impaired people, and an ethnomethodological, conversation-analytical framework, the article contributes findings about the most basic sensory characteristics of distributed perception: co-operation between sense-able, action-able, accountable semiotic agents that can communicate multisensorial information in order to solve situated and emerging problems together.
Original languageEnglish
JournalSymbolic Interaction
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)134-162
Publication statusPublished - 2021

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