DNA methylation profile of human dura and leptomeninges

Andrea Daniela Maier*, Steffan Noe Christiansen, Jeppe Haslund-Vinding, Markus Engebæk Krogager, Linea Cecilie Melchior, David Scheie, Tiit Mathiesen

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Healthy meninges are used as control tissue in meningioma studies usually without specification of the exact meningeal layer or macroanatomical origin but the DNA methylation profile of human meninges has not been investigated on a macroanatomical level. We undertook a proof-of-principle analysis to determine whether (1) meningeal tissues show sufficiently homogenous DNA methylation profiles to function as normal control tissue without further specification and (2) if previously described location-specific molecular signatures of meningiomas correspond to region-specific DNA methylation patterns. Dura mater and arachnoid membrane specimens were dissected from 5 anatomical locations in 2 fresh human cadavers and analyzed with the Illumina Infinium MethylationEPIC array. Dura and leptomeninges showed marked differences in global DNA methylation patterns and between rostral and caudal anatomical locations. These differences did not reflect known anatomical predilection of meningioma molecular signatures. The highest numbers of differentially methylated probes were annotated to DIPC2 and FOXP1. Samples from foramen magnum showed hypomethylation of TFAP2B compared to those from remaining locations. Thus, the DNA methylation profiles of human meninges are heterogenous in terms of meningeal layer and anatomical location. The potential variability of DNA methylation data from meningiomas should be considered in studies using meningeal controls.

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology
Issue number7
Pages (from-to)641–649
Publication statusPublished - 2023

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