DNAqua-Net conference unites participants from around the world with the quest to standardize and implement DNA-based aquatic biomonitoring

Kristine Bohmann*, Physilia Chua, Luke E. Holman, Christina Lynggaard

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The EU COST Action DNAqua-Net has since its start in 2016 gathered European researchers with the quest to standardize and implement DNA-based aquatic biomonitoring. On March 9–11, 2021, their work culminated in their first conference. Here, an astounding 1500 participants from around the world gathered virtually to share their research on DNA-based aquatic biomonitoring encompassing DNA reference databases, field and laboratory protocols, data analyses and storage, implementation strategy and legal issues, and biotic indices and metrics. The overwhelming interest in DNA-based aquatic bioassessment and monitoring strongly underlines its relevance and timeliness.

Original languageEnglish
JournalEnvironmental DNA
Issue number5
Pages (from-to)884-888
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 2021


  • biomonitoring
  • environmental DNA
  • freshwater
  • marine
  • metabarcoding

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