Editorial to: Six papers on Dynamic Statistical Models: Special issue of Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 41(1), 22, 2014

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The following six papers are based on invited lectures at the satellite meeting held at the University of Copenhagen before the 58th World Statistics Congress of the International Statistical Institute in Dublin in 2011. At the invitation of the Bernoulli Society, the satellite meeting was organized around the theme “Dynamic Statistical Models” as a part of the Program of Excellence at the University of Copenhagen on “Statistical methods for complex and high dimensional models” (http://statistics.ku.dk/). The Excellence Program in Statistics was a research project to develop and investigate statistical methodology and theory for large and complex data sets that included biostatisticians and mathematical statisticians from three faculties at the University of Copenhagen.

The satellite meeting took place August 17–19, 2011. Its purpose was to bring together researchers in statistics and related areas working with frontier research topics in statistics for dynamic models. This issue of SJS contains a quite diverse collection of six papers from the conference:

Spectral Estimation of Covolatility from Noisy Observations Using Local Weights
Markus Bibinger and Markus Reiß

One-Way Anova for Functional Data via Globalizing the Pointwise F-test
Jin-Ting Zhang and Xuehua Liang

Weakly Decomposable Regularization Penalties and Structured Sparsity
Sara van de Geer

Integrative Analysis of Cancer Diagnosis Studies with Composite Penalization
Jin Liu, Shuangge Ma and Jian Huang

Inference in Targeted Group-Sequential Covariate-Adjusted Randomized Clinical Trials
Antoine Chambaz and Mark J. van der Laan

Estimation of Causal Odds of Concordance using the Aalen Additive Model
Torben Martinussen and Christian Bressen Pipper

We would like to acknowledge the financial support from the University of Copenhagen Program of Excellence and Elsevier. We would also like to thank the authors for contributing interesting papers, the referees for their helpful reports, and the present and previous editors of SJS for their support of the publication of the papers from the satellite meeting.
Original languageEnglish
JournalScandinavian Journal of Statistics
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2014

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