EFCD Curriculum for undergraduate students in Integrated Conservative Oral Healthcare (ConsCare)

H Meyer-Lueckel, N. J. M. Opdam, L. Breschi, W. Buchalla, L. Ceballos, S Doméjean, M. Federlin, J. Field, S. Gurgan, M Hayashi, T. Laegreid, B. A. C. Loomans, A. Lussi, Chris Lynch, C. D. Lynch, Ulla Pallesen, M. Peumans, Z. Toth, N. H. F. Wilson

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Following the publication in 2005 of the ‘Profiles and Competences of a European Dentist’ by the Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE), curricula have been developed and published for undergraduate dental studies in several disciplines. To date, no attempt has been made to develop a curriculum in the field of Conservative Dentistry (Operative/Restorative Dentistry) based on updated ADEE recommendations. A European Federation of Conservative Dentistry (EFCD) Curriculum Workshop, which adopted the ADEE learning outcomes-based approach ,was held in July 2018 for the purpose of developing expert consensus from across Europe and beyond on a curriculum for Integrated Conservative Oral Healthcare. The proposed curriculum is considered to underpin general oral healthcare provision, and to complement curricula in associated subject areas (e.g. cariology) and other closely related dental disciplines (e.g. endodontology and periodontology). This concept, referred to as ‘ConsCare’ for convenience, is about teaching undergraduate dental students to counsel and manage patients to achieve and maintain optimal oral health throughout life. The expert group of authors developed a curriculum to prepare new graduates to deliver integrated conservative oral healthcare, and thereby make a major, fit-for-future purpose contribution to life-long oral health. Dental schools across Europe and elsewhere in the world are encouraged to adopt the proposed curriculum and give ConsCare a central position in the teaching of general oral healthcare provision to undergraduate dental students.
Original languageEnglish
JournalClinical Oral Investigations
Issue number9
Pages (from-to)3661-3670
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

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