Effect of pretreatment on enzymatic hydrolysis of bovine collagen and formation of ACE-inhibitory peptides

Yuhao Zhang, Karsten Olsen, Alberto Blak Grossi, Jeanette Anita Held Otte

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Bovine collagen was pre-treated (boiled or high pressure (HP)-treated) and then hydrolysed by 6 proteases. The degree of hydrolysis (DH) and the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)-inhibitory activity of hydrolysates were measured. All enzymes used were able to partly degrade collagen and release ACEinhibitory peptides. The highest ACE-inhibitory activity was obtained with Alcalase. Pretreatment significantly influenced the DH and ACE-inhibition. For most enzymes, boiling for 5 min resulted in a significantly higher DH and ACE-inhibitory activity. With Alcalase and collagenase, hydrolysis and release of ACE-inhibitory peptides occurred without any pretreatment, but HP-treatment significantly improved the DH and ACE-inhibitory activity. HP did not markedly affect the hydrolysis with the other enzymes. The major peptides obtained with Alcalase were identified; all were released from the triple helix structure of collagen. Many of these peptides had C-terminal sequences similar to known ACE-inhibitory peptides. The present results suggest that collagen-rich food materials are good substrates for the release of potent ACE-inhibitory peptides, when proper pre-treatment and enzymatic treatment is applied.
Original languageEnglish
JournalFood Chemistry
Issue number3
Pages (from-to)2343-2354
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 2013

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