Efficient fiber-coupled single-photon source based on quantum dots in a photonic-crystal waveguide

Raphaël S. Daveau, Krishna C. Balram, Tommaso Pregnolato, Jin Liu, Eun H. Lee, Jin D. Song, Varun Verma, Richard Mirin, Sae Woo Nam, Leonardo Midolo, Søren Stobbe, Kartik Srinivasan, Peter Lodahl

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Many photonic quantum information processing applications would benefit from a high brightness, fiber-coupled source of triggered single photons. Here, we present a fiber-coupled photonic-crystal waveguide (PCWG) singlephoton source relying on evanescent coupling of the light field from a tapered outcoupler to an optical fiber. A two-step approach is taken where the performance of the tapered outcoupler is recorded first on an independent device containing an on-chip reflector. Reflection measurements establish that the chip-to-fiber coupling efficiency exceeds 80%. The detailed characterization of a high-efficiency PCWG extended with a tapered outcoupling section is then performed. The corresponding overall single-photon source efficiency is 10.9%±2.3%, which quantifies the success probability to prepare an exciton in the quantum dot, couple it out as a photon in the waveguide, and subsequently transfer it to the fiber. The applied outcoupling method is robust, stable over time, and broadband over several tens of nanometers, which makes it a highly promising pathway to increase the efficiency and reliability of planar chip-based single-photon sources.

Original languageEnglish
Issue number2
Pages (from-to)178-184
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 20 Feb 2017

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