En figurationssociologisk undersøgelse af voksnes muligheder og begrænsninger for at forandre træningsrutiner under og efter Motion på recept og Holdspil på recept på Forebyggelsescenter Nørrebro

Henriette Folkmann Hansen

Research output: Book/ReportPh.D. thesisResearch


The effect of Exercise on Prescription is sparse both when considering; the change in personal training routines during the training course, as well as the long-term effect on the participant. Despite this, Exercise on Prescription was implemented in large parts of Great Britain in the beginning of the 1990s followed by Denmark in 2002 and is today a worldwide phenomenon. The research into Exercise on Prescription has been limited to a biomedical and psychological approach. A sociological approach has been missing, particularly when analysing how the concept is received considering the participants’ everyday life. Moreover, there is a lack of knowledge of how these courses are organised and only few studies have followed the long-term impact on participants. The dissertation has analysed and answered the following
two research questions:
1. How are Exercise on Prescription (fitness training) and Team Sports on Prescription (Team Sports activities) implemented and organised at Prevention Centre Nørrebro?

2. What enables and inhibit the participants at Prevention Centre Nørrebro to change training routines during the exercise programs and in their everyday lives?

The theoretical framework of the dissertation is Norbert Elias’ figurational sociology and the civilising process. Elias’ understanding of stigmatization dynamics that can lead to established and outsider groups, as well as the balance between "I", "We" and "They" identities, where the individual can never be
perceived alone and decoupled from the outside world, but must always be considered as interwoven in a network of interdependent relationships is also used (Elias 1978). Furthermore, Elias and Dunning's understanding of Spare-time spectrum and Quest for Excitement has been used in the analysis (Elias and
Dunning (1986 (2008)). To supplement Elias’ theory concepts Nick Crossley's understanding of motives for starting training and continuing these in the changed training routines (Crossley 2006, 2008) has also been used to a lesser extent in the analysis. The research project was a collaboration between the Municipality of Copenhagen, Prevention Centre Nørrebro, The Centre for Team Sport and Health and the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports at The University of Copenhagen. The research project ran from August 2014 to July 2016 at Prevention Center Nørrebro. The Ph.d. project was a part of a larger multidisciplinary collaboration with both physiological and sociological researchers affiliated. Exercise on Prescription ran from September 2014 to July 2015 at Prevention Centre Nørrebro and the period August 2015 to June 2016
saw the implementation of the intervention Team Sport on Prescription (Team Sports activities).
Original languageDanish
Place of PublicationKøbenhavn
PublisherInstitut for Idræt og Ernæring, Københavns Universitet
Number of pages443
ISBN (Print)978-87-7209-257-7
Publication statusPublished - 2019

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