A philogical and zoological description of the bird names given by Yāqūt Al Ḥamawī and Zakariāʾ Al –Qazwīnī in their description of the island of Tinnīs – Part 2

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    This is the first following up of my previous article in Arabic Biology and Medicine: A Philological descripton of the bird namesgiven by Yāqūt AL-Ḥamāwī and Zakariāʾ AL-Qazwinī in their description of the island of Tinnis from May 2015. This series of article is treating philologically and biologically the list of 134/135 bird names included in the descriptions of the island of Tinnis in Lake Manzalah in the Delta of the Nile which are given by Yāqūt ibn ʿabdullāh al-Ḥamāwī (1179-1229)2 in his Muʿğam al-Buldān and by Zakariāʾ b. Muḥammad b. Maḥmūd al- QazwInī (1203-1283)3 in his Cosmography, Kitāb ʿAğāʾib al- Maẖlūqāt wa ġarāʾib al-Mawğūdāt. As the amount of material involved in this study is extensive, the treating will take place using several articles.
    Translated title of the contributionEn filologisk og zoologisk beskrivelse af fuglenavnene givet af Yāqūt Al Ḥamawī og Zakariāʾ Al –Qazwīnī i deres beskrivelse af øen Tinnīs – Del 2.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalArabic Biology and Medicine
    Issue number2
    Pages (from-to)1-27
    Number of pages27
    Publication statusPublished - 2015

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