A Municipal 'Climate Revolution'? The Shaping of Municipal Climate Change Policies

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This article investigates the climate policies formulated by Danish municipalities, and the huge variation in scope and ambition of these policies. Based on a survey covering all Danish municipalities, it is found that 72% of all municipalities have climate change action plans with annual CO2-reduction goals between 0.9 and 5.9%. Size of municipality, degree of incorporation of climate change policies in the municipal administration, presence of ‘green organizations’, as well as membership of national and international climate networks, are found to be of importance for the level of ambition of the climate plans.

Denne artikel undersøger danske kommuners klimapolitik, og den store variation i denne. Med udgangspunkt i en spørgeskemaundersøgelse omfattende alle danske kommuner konstateres det, at 72% af kommunerne har en klimahandlingsplan, som fastsætter årlige CO2-reduktioner for kommunen som geografisk enhed på mellem 0,9 og 5,9% årligt. Det konstateres, at kommunens størrelse, hvem der har det administrative ansvar for klimapolitikken, de ’grønne organisationers’ tilstedeværelse og medlemskab af nationale og internationale klimanetværk, har betydning for kommunernes ambitionsniveau på klimaområdet.
Translated title of the contributionEn kommunal 'klima-revolution'? Tilblivelsen af kommunal klimapolitik
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)4-16
Publication statusPublished - 2013


  • Faculty of Social Sciences

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