Energy efficiency and behaviour: Case study report. - Deliverable 5.1 of the PLEEC project

Trine Agervig Carstensen, Annika Kunnasvirta, Katariina Kiviluoto, Martti Komulainen, Heli Kanerva-Lehto, Nico Nieboer, Pavel Vitliemov

    Research output: Book/ReportReport


    The purpose of Work Package 5 Deliverable 5.1., “Case study reports on energy efficiency and behaviour” is to present examples of behavioral interventions to promote energy efficiency in cities. The case studies were collected in January – June 2014, and they represent behavioural interventions from different sectors of energy efficiency from the following PLEEC partner countries: Denmark, Sweden, Finland, the UK, the Netherlands, Estonia, Bulgaria and Spain. Each case is presented shortly with key details of budget, target group, and methods as well as a short assessment of main success factors.
    The main addressees of D5.1. are city officials, NGO representatives, private sector actors and any other relevant actors who plan and realize behavioural energy efficiency interventions in European cities. The WP5 team will also further apply results from D5.1. with a more general model on how to conduct behavioural interventions, to be presented in Deliverable 5.5., the final report. This report will also provide valuable information for the WP6 general model for an Energy-Smart City.
    Altogether 38 behavioural interventions are analysed in this report. Each collected and analysed case study represents one way of conducting an intervention to promote some energy saving measures in a specific context. Each case study has been evaluated in terms general success, effectiveness, cost-efficiency and relevance. The main purpose of evaluating the case studies was to establish as accurately as possible that the reviewed interventions have achieved their goals of promoting energy efficiency in different key fields. How well suited each intervention type is for other contexts and countries, will be analysed more deeply in the WP5 final report.
    Energy efficiency is high on the European agenda. One of the goals of the European Union’s 20‐20‐20 plan is to improve energy efficiency by 20% in 2020. However, holistic knowledge about energy efficiency potentials in cities is far from complete. Currently, a WP4 location in PLEEC project page 3 variety of individual strategies and approaches by different stakeholders tackling separate key aspects hinders strategic energy efficiency planning. For this reason, the PLEEC project – “Planning for Energy Efficient Cities” – funded by the EU Seventh Framework Programme uses an integrative approach to achieve the sus‐ tainable, energy– efficient, smart city. By coordinating strategies and combining best practices,PLEEC will develop a general model for energy efficiency and sustainable city planning. By connecting scientific excellence and innovative enterprises in the energy sector with ambitious and well‐organized cities, the project aims to reduce energy use in Europe in the near future and will therefore be an important tool contributing to the EU’s 20‐20‐20 targets.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherEU-FP7 project PLEEC
    Number of pages87
    Publication statusPublished - 21 May 2015

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