title = "Er Kinas utopiske rejse et skib i havsn{\o}d? Boganmeldelse: Christian Sorace, Ivan Franceschini, Nicholas Loubere (editors): {"}Afterlives of Chinese Communism: Political Concepts from Mao to Xi{"}. Acton, Australia: Australian National University Press & Verso Books, 2019, 404 pp.",
keywords = "Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Kina, Semi-feudal, Semi-kolonial, Klassekamp, Feudal overtro, Kollektivisme",
author = "J{\o}rgen Delman",
year = "2021",
language = "Dansk",
pages = "23--25",
journal = "Kinabladet",
issn = "1600-1273",
number = "86, 2021",