Experience mapping and multifunctional golf course development: enhanced possibilities of increased and more varied use of golf courses

Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch

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This report describes the development of a method for mapping and describing
recreational experiences on golf courses. The objective is to provide a
planning tool that can facilitate development of a broader multifunctional use
of the golf course landscape.
The project has produced several results. The main output is this report, which
provides a detailed description of the mapping procedure. This process is illustrated
using examples from five test golf courses.
In addition to this mapping report, a catalogue has been developed providing
hands-on guidance for adapting the method in a golf club without the use of a
During the project period, the research team has participated in a number of
workshops that included representatives from golf courses, STERF, the Norwegian
Golf Federation and the Danish Golf Union. At these workshops, the
method was presented and discussed. This has been a very fruitful process that
has given valuable feedback to the project team. In addition, we have organized
a conference and excursions to two golf courses, where the method has
been illustrated and discussed on site. Finally, the method has been presented
at the 2014 conference of the European Turfgrass Society.
The report has two parts. The first part describes the method for mapping of
recreational experiences. The second part consists of five appendices, one for
each of the five test golf courses that were analyzed. Each appendix comprises a
description of the analysis and the questionnaire responses.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherInstitut for Geovidenskab og Naturforvaltning, Københavns Universitet
Number of pages180
ISBN (Electronic)978-87-7903-706-9
Publication statusPublished - 2015

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