Explained Variance in Two-Level Models: A New Approach

Anders Holm, Ben Jann, Kristian Bernt Karlson

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While the proportion of explained variance is well-defined in linear models, Snijders and Bosker (1994) demonstrated that this concept is ill-defined in linear multilevel models. Whenever a researcher adds a level-1 predictor to the model, the level-2 variance may increase because the level-2 variance also depends on the level-1 variance. This problem is more pronounced when there are few observations per cluster. We present a solution that allows researchers to decompose variance components from null models into parts explained and unexplained by level-1 predictors. We also offer an extension that incorporates level-2 predictors. Our approach is based on multivariate multilevel modeling and provides a complete decomposition of the gross (or null model) variance components. The approach is also implemented in the user-written Stata program twolevelr2, and the online supplement contains worked code for implementation in R. We illustrate our method with an example analyzing sibling similarities in lifecycle income.
Original languageEnglish
JournalSociological Methodology
Publication statusAccepted/In press - Oct 2024

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