Fertility quality of life tool: update on research and practice considerations

Emily Koert, Janet Takefman, Jacky Boivin

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

25 Citations (Scopus)


The 36-item Fertility Quality of Life (FertiQoL) tool is increasingly used in research and practice. It measures quality of life in four personal domains (emotional, social, relational, mind/body) and two treatment domains (tolerability, environment). A literature review of published empirical research using FertiQoL was undertaken to provide an overview of this research base. Five databases were searched using 'FertiQoL' and its variant. In total, 41 published articles from 35 independent samples in 23 countries involving 16,315 participants, mainly in clinical settings, were reviewed. FertiQoL was used for three main purposes: (i) to assess quality of life and FertiQoL measurement properties (especially Core FertiQoL) using cross-sectional designs; (ii) to identify correlates, predictors, and consequences of fertility quality of life (some of which included international comparisons); (iii) to assess the effect of psychological interventions on fertility quality of life. The range of median FertiQoL Core, Treatment and subscale (scaled) scores in 31 samples was between 60 and 75. Poorer fertility quality of life was consistently associated with being a woman, longer duration of infertility, poorer psychological functioning and lower patient-centred care. Some FertiQoL subscale scores improved after psychological interventions. Future research should address measurement issues and examine reported associations with fertility quality of life.

Original languageEnglish
JournalHuman Fertility
Pages (from-to)1-13
Number of pages13
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 2020
Externally publishedYes

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