Genetic resources of teak (Tectona grandis Linn. f.)—strong genetic structure among natural populations

Ole Kim Hansen, Suchitra Changtragoon, Bundit Ponoy, Erik Dahl Kjær, Yazar Minn, Reiner Finkeldey, Knud Brian Nielsen, Lars Graudal

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Twenty-nine provenances of teak (Tectona grandis Linn. f.) representing the full natural distribution range of the species were genotyped with microsatellite DNA markers to analyse genetic diversity and population genetic structure. Provenances originating from the semi-moist east coast of India had the highest genetic diversity while provenances from Laos showed the lowest. In the eastern part of the natural distribution area, comprising Myanmar, Thailand and Laos, there was a strong clinal decrease in genetic diversity the further east the provenance was located. Overall, the pattern of genetic diversity supports the hypothesis that teak has its centre of origin in India, from where it spread eastwards. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) gave an overall highly significant F st value of 0.227—population pairwise F st values were in the range 0.01–0.48. Applying the G″st differentiation parameter, the estimated overall differentiation was 0.632, implying a strong genetic structure among populations. A neighbour-joining (NJ) tree, using the pairwise population matrix of G″st values as input, contained three distinct groups: (1) the eight provenances from Thailand and Laos, (2) the Indian provenances from the dry interior and the moist west coast and (3) the provenances from northern Myanmar. The provenances from southern Myanmar were placed close to the root of the tree together with the three provenances from the semi-moist east coast of India. A Bayesian cluster analysis using the STRUCTURE software gave very similar results, with three main clusters, each containing two sub-clusters, while Bayesian cluster analysis in the Geneland software, exploiting the spatial coordinates of the provenances, resulted in five clusters in accordance with the former results. The implications of the findings for conservation and use of genetic resources of the species are discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Article number802
JournalTree Genetics & Genomes
Number of pages16
Publication statusPublished - 2015

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