The ghetto as a place in ethnic adolescents’ perspectives: A study on categorizations of identity, ethnicity, and educational possibilities in advice-giving sessions in a Danish elementary school

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


The article investigates how membership categories are negotiated, defined and redefined in advice-giving sessions in a Danish elementary school. The sessions involve school advisers and 9th grade students of immigrant backgrounds.
It is demonstrated how membership categorization is put to work by participants for describing and conceptualizing identities and social possibilities as functions of place in the context of being an immigrant and an inhabitant of a ghetto.
The study finds that place of living, inside or outside the ghetto, is an all-pervading dimension in categories of any kind used by the 9th graders for describing their social positions and possibilities in Danish society.
The article argues that advisers and 9th grade students approach categorization strategically and with ambivalence regarding the import of ethnic background and having the ghetto as a vantage point.
Translated title of the contributionGhettoen som sted i etniske unges perspektiv: et studie af kategoriseringer af identitet, etnicitet og uddannelsesmæssige muligheder i vejledningssamtaler i en dansk folkeskole
Original languageEnglish
JournalLanguage in Society
Number of pages27
Publication statusSubmitted - 20 Dec 2018


  • Faculty of Humanities

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