Globalization Conflict in International Assemblies: Cleavage Formation beyond the State?

Pieter de Wilde, Wiebke Marie Junk, Tabea Palmtag

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


analyzes globalization-related conflict in the UNGA and the European Parliament. These two ‘strong publics’ feature debates on issues related to the permeability of borders and are directly tied to important centers of decision-making in global governance. The findings show a powerful cosmopolitan presence in both assemblies. The EP also features more communitarian counter voices. An indepth analysis of the partisan nature of debate in the EP and the difference between directly elected Members of the EP and appointed European Commissioners lends strength to the hypothesis that electoral accountability strengthens the presence of communitarian voice in supranational arenas. Direct elections and proportional representation appears to increase the presence of communitarians in global governance. This finding implies that cosmopolitan democrats face a difficult trade-off. They can democratize global governance, but it will likely come at the price of less cosmopolitan policies made in international institutions. Alternatively, they can pursue cosmopolitan policies, but only if they limit the democratic accountability of key global governance institutions.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Struggle Over Borders : Cosmopolitanism and Communitarianism
EditorsPieter De Wilde, Ruud Koopmans, Wolfgang Merkel, Oliver Strijbis, Michael Zürn
Number of pages28
Place of PublicationCambridge
PublisherCambridge University Press
Publication dateJun 2019
ISBN (Print)9781108483773
ISBN (Electronic)9781108664745
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2019

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