GproteinDb in 2024: new G protein-GPCR couplings, AlphaFold2-multimer modelsãnd interface interactions

Gáspár Pándy-Szeker es, Luis P.Taracena Herrera, Jimmy Caroli, Ali A. Kermani, Yashraj Kulkarni, György M. Keseru, David E. Gloriam*

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G proteinsãre the major signal proteins of ∼800 receptors for medicines, hormones, neurotransmitters, tãstãntsãnd odorants. GproteinDb offers integrated genomic, str uct ural,ãnd pharmacological dataãnd tools forãnalysis, visualizationãnd experiment design. Here, we present the first major update of GproteinDb greatly expanding its coupling dataãnd str uct ural templates,ãdding AlphaFold2 str uct ure models of GPCR-G protein comple x esãndãdvãncing the interactiv eãnaly sis tools f or their interfãces underlying coupling selectivity. We present insights on couplingãgreementãcross datasetsãnd parameters, including constitutiveãctivity,ãgonist-inducedãctivityãnd kinetics. GproteinDb isãccessibleãt .

Original languageEnglish
JournalNucleic Acids Research
Issue numberD1
Pages (from-to)D466-D475
Publication statusPublished - 2024

Bibliographical note

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© The Author(s) 2023.

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