Grammatical gender marking in New Denmark Danish (Canada)

Caroline Cecilie Kuhlmann, Jan Heegård

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


This article presents a corpus linguistic study of grammatical gender marking in New Denmark Danish (New Brunswick, Canada). The data consist of 2,242 ex-amples of common and neuter gender marking, on (1) the definite suffixes, (2) the indefinite articles, (3) the prenominal definite modifiers, and (4) the posses-sive pronouns. 39 speakers are represented in the dataset, encompas¬sing 1st-4th imgeneration speakers. The analysis reveals relatively little deviation from Standard (European) Danish gender marking as only 19 out of the 39 speakers altogether have 47 instances of non-expected gender marking. In spite of the small amount of variation, there are some clear tendencies in the data in compari-son with Standard Danish: The definite suffix is extremely stable, neuter nouns in Standard Danish get common gender marking, and ‘complex’ noun phrases with an attributive adjective between the initial gender-marking deter¬miner and the head word are show more variation than ‘simple’ NP’s.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 14th WILA conference in Flensburg
EditorsSamantha Litty, Karoline Kühl
Publication date2024
Publication statusPublished - 2024

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