Gunnlaug ormstunga, arveprins Frederik og Struensee: En begrædelig fortælling fra 1700-tallet dediceret M.J. Driscoll 15.maj 2014

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review

Original languageDanish
Title of host publication<Matthías saga digitalis 6.0/> : Festschrift for Matthew James Driscoll on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday 15th May 2014
EditorsSilvia Hufnagel, Tereza Lansing, Philip Lavender, J.S. Love, Ragnheidur Mósesdóttir, Beeke Stegmann
Number of pages7
Place of PublicationKøbenhavn
PublisherNordisk Forskningsinstitut
Publication date2014
ISBN (Print)978 87 992447 4 4
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • Faculty of Humanities

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