HOMED-Homicides Eastern Denmark: An introduction to a forensic medical homicide database

Bonnie Colville-Ebeling, Morten Frisch, Niels Lynnerup, Peter Theilade

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2 Citations (Scopus)


Background:An introduction to a forensic medical homicide database established at the Department of Forensic Medicine in Copenhagen. Content: The database contains substantial clinical and demographic data obtained in conjunction with medico-legal autopsies of victims and forensic clinical examinations of perpetrators in homicide cases in eastern Denmark. Validity and coverage: The database contains information on all homicide cases investigated at the Department of Forensic Medicine in Copenhagen since 1971. Coverage for the catchment area of the department is assumed to be very good because of a medico-legal homicide autopsy rate close to 100%. Regional differences might exist however, due to the fact that the catchment area of the department is dominated by the city of Copenhagen. Conclusions: The strength of the database includes a long running time, near complete regional coverage and an exhaustive list of registered variables. It is useful for research purposes, although specific data limitations apply.

Original languageEnglish
JournalScandinavian Journal of Public Health
Pages (from-to) 683-686
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2014

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