How does interorganisational implementation behaviour challenge the success of Football Fitness?

Søren Bennike, Laila Ottesen

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This article explores the role of the interorganisational implementation behaviour of the relevant actors in the implementation of Football Fitness, a Danish football-based, health-related activity. Football Fitness was designed by the Danish Football Association in 2010 and introduced in several volunteer football clubs in 2011. Today, around 200 of ∼1,600 potential clubs are involved. The analysis deployed a qualitative approach, including document analysis, individual interviews and focus group interviews. The theoretical framework is rooted in policy implementation theory. The findings reveal three crucial interconnected factors influencing interorganisational implementation behaviour and representing complications for the successful implementation of Football Fitness: (1) The implementation is being carried out by multiple actors with different implementation tasks. These actors operate on three different implementation levels – central, regional and local – that work differently in respect of their routines/perspectives and goals/interests. (2) The chain of cooperation is sequentially interdependent. The central level cooperates with the regional level and the regional level with the local level. (3) The cooperation between levels (central/regional and regional/local) lacks authority, common interest and beneficial exchange. To reduce these complications, the cooperation between the levels needs to be strengthened by considering these findings.
Original languageEnglish
JournalEuropean Journal for Sport and Society
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)19-37
Number of pages19
Publication statusPublished - 2016

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