How mobile are protons in the structure of dental glass ionomer cements?

Ana Raquel Benetti, Johan Jacobsen, Benedict Lehnhoff, N.C.R. Momsen, Denis Okhrimenko, Mark T. F. Telling, N. Kardjilov, Markus Strobl, Tilo Seydel, Ingo Manke, Heloisa Nunes Bordallo

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The development of dental materials with improved properties and increased longevity can save costs and minimize discomfort for patients. Due to their good biocompatibility, glass ionomer cements are an interesting restorative option. However, these cements have limited mechanical strength to survive in the challenging oral environment. Therefore, a better understanding of the structure and hydration process of these cements can bring the necessary understanding to further developments. Neutrons and X-rays have been used to investigate the highly complex pore structure, as well as to assess the hydrogen mobility within these cements. Our findings suggest that the lower mechanical strength in glass ionomer cements results not only from the presence of pores, but also from the increased hydrogen mobility within the material. The relationship between microstructure, hydrogen mobility and strength brings insights into the material's durability, also demonstrating the need and opening the possibility for further research in these dental cements.
Original languageEnglish
Article number8972
JournalScientific Reports
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 10 Mar 2015


  • Faculty of Science
  • Biophysics
  • biomaterials

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